Day 37 in Beijing

The 21st of December, the 37th day of my journey.

Today is the special TN dinner day that I mentioned earlier. We planned for this day for quite a few months, well, to be more exact, we 'talked' about this TN dinner for quite sometime and finally we settled down to tonight. Isa won't be joining us tonight so we'll only have Gilbert and Cassie here. They're both AIESECers from PKU and are very close with Gerard and Josi.

Initially we planned to make one dish each and the theme of our dinner is 'kiwi style'. Yep, we want to give our friends a kiwi-style dinner. But due to logistic reasons and that Josi's responsible for taking Gilber and Cassie home after work, only Gerard, Jordan and myself will be cooking tonight. I went to the supermarket at Raffles City with Jordan early last week looking for ingredients for our menu. We bought pasta and Italian pasta sauce, this will be our main for the night. Josi wants to make hash browns so Jordan and I took over the responsibility of making this dish. I will also be making kuamra fries for everyone. Our last dish on the menu is sausage rolls.

Our biggest challenge for the TN dinner was the lack of ingredients and materials that we need. We couldn't find sausages in the supermarket but only Chinese style sausages (like salami) or frankfurters. We don't have a frying pan at home but only two Chinese style woks and it's impossible to make hash browns in this triangular shaped pan. Gerard was responsible in making the pasta sauce and it turned out to be quite successful. But the hash brown is just so scary, it turned really black and somewhat still uncooked with a lot of oil and look nothing like a hash brown but a mixture of burtn potato slices. We ordered for some slices of bread to be delivered to our flat from the convenience store and guess what? We received a delivery of a pack of red bean bread, LOL!!! This is just so not kiwi style at all !! We asked for another delivery and this time it was spring onion bread, imagine sausage roll with spring onion or read bean bread.... eeeek!

Tonight's 'kiwi style dinner' was a complete fail. I wish I took more photos of the actual food we made, we would so made it on, LOL! We even forgot to buy forks and knives and ended up eating 'kiwi-style dinner' with chopsticks! Haha, pasta with chopsticks!!!

We all felt pretty bad and sorry for Gilbert and Cassie, who have to continue to smile and force themselves to eat and swallow our food. No matter how many times we explain that this is NOT normal kiwi style food, I sitll have a feeling that we made a pretty bad start for Gilbert and Cassie on NZ food. Sorry >_<

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